Friday, February 27, 2015

Raiders at the KLRU-TV Studio

Yesterday, Cedar Ridge High School Audio/Video students toured the KLRU-TV studio on the UT campus. Ms. Saliani and Ms. Arellano were the sponsors and chaperoned the field trip. Students were in the audience as the KLRU crew taped segments for The Central Texas Gardner show. One CRHS student, Thomas Hadley, was invited down onto the set to stand-in for the talent while the crew dressed the set and adjusted lighting. The A/V students have recently been added as a PBS NewsHour Student Reporting Lab and will be working closely with KLRU-TV to create news segments.

Ms. Saliani shared that the students were amazing on the field trip. The teachers received multiple compliments on how professional the students behaved. KLRU was so impressed with our students that they invited them back to be a part of another program.

Go Raiders! Thank you for representing us so incredibly well!

 Students are shown waiting to get on the bus and then, getting on the bus.

Students at the KLRU studio.