Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Law Enforcement Club Challenge!

Exciting things going on with Mr. DeLaRosa's Law Enforcement classes and club!

The following is what he shared with us:

"We are proud to announce that the Annual District Competition of the Law and Safety Students was held on Saturday February 21, 2015 at Round Rock High School. Our outstanding students of CRHS took the challenge and captured the second runner up and third runner up trophies. The challenge and agility course was timed and designed to mirror that of a Police Academy's basic instruction for cadets. ​Congratulations to our CRHS Law & Safety participants on a fantastic effort."

CRHS Law & Safety club members:

Elijah Sanfeliz
Spirit Hayter
Andrew Jezisek
Emily Seiferman
Brendan Dangcil
Breonne Sanders
Jennifer Sweet