Tuesday, May 19, 2015

CR Stock Market Team Heading to Our Nation's Capital

Here is a message from Mrs Parriot, a CR Business teacher and the CR Career and Technology Education Department Chairs.

"I am so excited to announce that a team of 5 students who played the Capitol Hill Challenge Stock Market Game placed 7th in the nation and we will be traveling to Washington, D.C. June 16-18 on an all expense paid trip! Those students are Grant Weddle, Jessica Singer, Thomas Teeler, Christian Reynolds, and Micaela Phillips.

This is the 3rd time that I have had students participate in the Capitol Hill Challenge where students across the nation compete for a trip to Washington, D.C. This year over 4000 teams were competing and the top 10 get to travel to our Nation's Capital.

If you see these students please be sure to congratulate them!"

It turns out that our team is the first Texas team to ever place in the top 10 of the Capitol Hill Challenge!

We are so proud of our Cedar Ridge Stock Market Team! Good luck and have fun on your Washington, D.C.. trip!